Hi, welcome to my website! I’m a gay girl who loves cities and bikes and lives in 🌁+πŸ—½ writing about whatever interests me. More about me (and this). My posts are available as an RSS feed.

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I aim to update posts as my ideas change and are complicated. These are what I touched last. More about revision and dates.


πŸ–‹οΈ Writing


πŸ“š Reading


🌱 Seedlings

Partial thoughts and other things not yet worthy of a post.

I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to really embrace thinking in the open by publishing all most of my notes online. I think it would be a really interesting experiment, and I’m wondering what kind of effects it would have on the notes I take and how I think. I’ve been finding myself thinking through writing even more lately.
I’m wondering if a typewriter would be something I would enjoy using. My handwriting isn’t good enough to handwrite documents, but I think I might really enjoy typing them in a more physical way. The idea of a full paper workflow is really appealing to me.
Just watched Union Square Partnership security completely fail to deescalate a situation and assault an angry man in front of his daughter. They only stopped because a passerby de-escalated. You would think the people charged with being security for a busy childrens playground in the center of a busy park in a busy city would at least be trained in de-escalation, but the security guards were actively antagonizing.