
You can email me at [email protected]. Why no comments?

I’m a gay girl living in San Francisco and New York City who loves cities and bikes. I mostly write about my life here. This blog is my effort to return to an Internet where we have a healthier, more personal relationship with our content. I hope that some day this blog will be home to that old blog post you find that is the single useful resource on the thing you’re researching.

I believe that cars are fundamentally incompatible with good cities, and that bicycles and transit are the best tools we have to make better cities and address the century of inequities brought by the automobile.

Comments #

I don’t feel obligated to publish the opinions of others, so I have chosen not to add native comments to this site. You can email me your feedback/thoughts/insults/questions/answers to [email protected], and I might append them to a post if I think it complicates or compliments the contents.

Dates #

Each post has two dates: 🌱 Planted and 🪴 Tended. These represent when the post was “planted”: the idea began, I started writing, or when I published it; and when the post was last “tended” to: I last updated, revised or added to it. I find that a fierce commitment to chronology and a publish-and-done mentality leads to pressure to defend and hold our previous opinions ad infinitum. My thoughts, opinions, and website are more like a garden: new seedlings are being planted and old ones tended to, constantly. If you have something that might complicate my understanding of the world, please email me!

Nerd zone #

This site is served from static files generated by 11ty on the Cloudflare Pages free tier.[1] Images are served from Cloudflare Pages or from a Cloudflare R2 bucket, and occasionally from elsewhere on the web. I’m using Tailwind CSS utility classes.

The design of this website is inspired by echevarria.io, macwright.com and the blogs and wordpress sites of today and yesteryear. Previous versions were heavily inspired by bikes.emilyhorsman.com.

Other things I’m reading: blog roll (for books, see reading).

  1. Cloudflare has repeatedly refused to remove harmful (read: violence-stirring) transphobia and has even platformed ISIS. I won’t give them money, and you shouldn’t either. ↩︎