My first week of classes

Tuesday #

Today was my first day of classes since I had COVID last week, and it went great. Despite having an 8am, I really enjoyed everything. I’m taking a writing class, urban ecosystems, code as a liberal art and a course called philosophy of the city.

Today I had the writing class—which is focused on non-linear, branching stories— and urban ecosystems in the morning, and then philosophy of the city in the afternoon. I really enjoyed all of them. The philosophy class has been really difficult, with really dense readings, but they’ve still been mostly enjoying.

I’ve been enjoying all of my readings, which I didn’t expect to happen, because in high school I usually hated my readings. Taking notes on the iPad has made things a lot less frustrating, and is helping me practice better note taking (still not quite there yet though; i highlight too much and write too little).

I’m considering going vegetarian again. I was pescatarian for years when I was younger, and had no problems other than a bit of a lack of protein, which I could definitely overcome now.

New York City is wonderful. It’s going to take so much restraint to not feed myself only halal cart food.

I want to get back into writing on specific topics more, I think it makes more interesting blog fodder and lets me get into researching and arguing something, which I like.