My ideal note system

🪴 🌿 [?]

I’ve been thinking about what the ideal note taking system might look like, and I think that my current Logseq workflow is pretty close, but I want my writing to all be in one place. I write all of my school assignments in Logseq, but nearly everything I write for this website is written in a code editor, and doesn’t exist in my graph. I’ve been thinking about what it would look like to link these more closely.

  • logseq compatible, can work with my existing graph
  • selectively public
  • all pages in graph rendered
  • working backlink surfacing on pages
  • ability to extract some block-level data from Logseq (ie part but not all of the contents of my journal pages).
  • integrated with some kind of syncing solution, so that edits made to my graph update the website, whether they were made on my phone, ipad or computer. this probably means separating content from code so i don’t have to rely on git for content. i currently pay for logseq sync, and would love to be able to keep using it.
  • markdown renderer that can understand logseq specific syntax, like tasks with dates/deadlines, task states, etc.
  • logseq as a source of truth?

I’m not quite sure what this would look like in practice. Publishing my writing here has helped me a lot, and I would like to reduce the barriers to that.

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