My current Logseq+Omnivore workflow

This is the first blog post I’ve written in a while. I’ve missed it. I haven’t stopped writing, but I’ve been writing in a different way. I’ve started using Logseq to act as my second brain/journal/notes/whatever you want to call it, and as a result, my writing has become a lot more friendly to my brain, but at the cost of being less friendly to others. I want to find a way to strike a balance—somewhat like Andy Matuschak’s notes—between usefulness to me, specifically in prompting reflection and thoughtfulness, and readability to a wider audience (which in turn helps me write more). I hope this doesn’t sound too self-helpy or tech-bro-life-hack-take-mushrooms-to-increase-productivity-for-your-employer-y.

My workflow #

I use Logseq for all information management, and for planning my days. I still use Google Calendar, but only for events, days I’m working, etc. Everything else lives in Logseq. I have a big list of tasks, and I’ll use Logseqs built in schedule command to schedule them for dates, or just let them sit in the list. I lean heavily on Daily Journals. I have a template with the following sections: agenda, schedule, notes, and inbox. These sections come from a forum post on the Logseq forum (can’t find it), though I’m making some of my own changes.

Agenda #

Links to my daily writing (if I do it that day), what I’m reading, and what music I’m listening to. I log documentaries and other stuff under reading too. I also pick 3 major (> 30 min or intellectually/emotionally hard) tasks for the day (from my running tasks list), and throw in minor tasks too.

Schedule #

Not the same as Agenda. I throw non-task things that are happening today in there, like seeing friends, work, etc.

Notes #

Where notes from the day go. Thoughts, feelings, information, whatever, everything. I tag and link as much as I can, and I can always prune later, but I’d rather be over connected than under. This is where I put notes on what I’m reading/listening/watching today. Eventually those will get moved into a page for the piece if need be.

Inbox #

This section I don’t really use. The idea is that I would assign future things from here, but I just use my big tasks page for that, so I’ll probably remove this section.

Every online article I read, I read through Omnivore, which a fantastic all in one read-it-later/rss-feed eater/reader app. There’s an Omnivore Logseq plugin that syncs all my notes on pieces in Omnivore into my Logseq graph, so I can mention articles I’ve read and block embed quotes and my notes.

I’m trying to use my phone less (post about how soon i promise!), so I carry around a little notebook every day. I use that as my brain dumping ground, note taking space and whatever else I need it to be during the day. At night I dump anything worth keeping into Logseq. I have a little leather wallet carrier thing that has my notebook + a pen loop and some cash and card space. It goes everywhere with me. A 48 page Moleskin Cahier lasts me about 3 weeks. I haven’t figured out a good way to get notes off of my Kindle, so I’ve just stopped taking notes on it, and started using my notebook or taking them right into logseq, which is kind of annoying. If you have a better solution pls help.

I’m still figuring out a way to publish out of my graph. Obsidian was far better for this with Obsidian Publish, but I much prefer and rely on Logseq and it’s features, which makes Obsidian Publish not an option. I may experiment with using Obsidian Publish on Logseq graphs.

This has been working fantastic for me. I feel far more on top of things, less forgetful, more thoughtful, and my memory feels stronger.

Note to the editor: you can take my em dashes from my cold dead hands.