Tweets #

This exists to act as an archive for a series of tweets mentioned in Turning 20, as Twitter is no longer a reliable archive. All tweets are from Ren (@renfromberkeley).

genuinely horrific experience riding today. bike car doors didn’t open (no announcement at all!) so my partner and my partner and i had to sprint to the next car while your conductor shouted at us incoherently to get on. 1/3

once we get onto a non-bike car we are forced to leave our bikes in the accessibility area. this is obviously an issue. same conductor comes to check our tickets and scolds us for not getting on in time despite our sprint and their error, then interrupts me and walks away!! 2/3

Screenshot of texts from Ren's phone detailing our interaction with the UP-N conductor

Ren Zaro, tweet 2/3

we were shocked, frankly. first time on METRA and they wasted no time being outstandingly horrible. unfortunately i’ve been told this is pretty normal here. sooo many things could’ve gone better here. make an announcement, have staff help, train your folks, etc 3/3

complaint will be filed with more info but this happened at ravenswood station 11:32 am UP-N 7/8/2024 towards chicago. car #6144. conductor was male