
i’m really frustrated with my fuji fx 18-55mm lens. since day 1, it hasn’t worked. every time i try to use it, i get a couple minutes (max) of shooting before the camera shows a “turn off camera then turn on again” error, that does not go away until a different lens is mounted. i’ve been using my 35mm 7artisans prime for months (the entire time i’ve had the camera) because of this. cleaning the body and lens contacts doesn’t fix it, firmware updates dont fix it, full camera resets dont fix it. i love shooting on my prime, but my $300+ lens needs to work. other people are having the same problem on forums, so i’m hoping i can get fuji to repair or replace the lens, or B&H to take back the whole kit. only being able to shoot manual has cost me a lot of shots this trip, since trains move fast (mostly).
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