Partial thoughts and other things not yet worthy of a post. RSS feed.
Marx predicted email in 2024: The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.
I keep seeing people complain about their computers not being powerful enough, and there’s some truth to that: devs are becoming more and more wasteful. But also stop trying to do so many things at once. You dont need to watch something on netflix while listening to spotify while photoshopping with premiere in the background talking to your friends on discord while asking chatgpt for advice. this is the computer equivalent of always having a zyn in. youre frying your brain and your computer and datacenters and the planet. remember, the ‘cloud’ is a carbon intensive operation.
I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to really embrace thinking in the open by publishing allmost of my notes online. I think it would be a really interesting experiment, and I’m wondering what kind of effects it would have on the notes I take and how I think. I’ve been finding myself thinking through writing even more lately.
I’m wondering if a typewriter would be something I would enjoy using. My handwriting isn’t good enough to handwrite documents, but I think I might really enjoy typing them in a more physical way. The idea of a full paper workflow is really appealing to me.
Just watched Union Square Partnership security completely fail to deescalate a situation and assault an angry man in front of his daughter. They only stopped because a passerby de-escalated. You would think the people charged with being security for a busy childrens playground in the center of a busy park in a busy city would at least be trained in de-escalation, but the security guards were actively antagonizing.
This piece from my friend on toys with a transition to a fossil-fuelless future in a nice approachable but rational way in a way I haven’t encountered before. Link
Found this list of used bookstores in nyc from Passerby Magazine: link
Ren and I are reading The Power Broker! I’m so excited to be reading it again. Also I have COVID. Also On Palestine is really good!
Just picked up On Palestine from Mast Books in the LES while on a walk. Excited to read it, hoping it will help build foundation and complicate my understanding of the genocide in Palestine. Going to try to take notes on the book on the book’s page on this site.
muji sells a six day pill container. i bought it thinking it was seven because why would anyone ever think a pill case would come with six slots.
i’m really frustrated with my fuji fx 18-55mm lens. since day 1, it hasn’t worked. every time i try to use it, i get a couple minutes (max) of shooting before the camera shows a “turn off camera then turn on again” error, that does not go away until a different lens is mounted. i’ve been using my 35mm 7artisans prime for months (the entire time i’ve had the camera) because of this. cleaning the body and lens contacts doesn’t fix it, firmware updates dont fix it, full camera resets dont fix it. i love shooting on my prime, but my $300+ lens needs to work. other people are having the same problem on forums, so i’m hoping i can get fuji to repair or replace the lens, or B&H to take back the whole kit. only being able to shoot manual has cost me a lot of shots this trip, since trains move fast (mostly).
just solved (hopefully) a long time bug with date rendering. there is zero documentation for this, but cloudflare pages’ build environment timezone can be set using TZ=America/Los_Angeles in your environment variables. There is zero mention of this on the Cloudflare docs site, I only found this forum discussion.
i really wish arc was gecko-based instead of using chromium. it’s a bummer, especially considering how attached i am to arc, and google’s plans to kill adblockers
til that if you’re in a sleeper for the first leg of your trip, but not the second, you still get access to the metropolitan lounge in chicago, in 24 hours i’ll be in nyc!
hi from amtrak. i’ve left the bay for school, and i won’t be back until november. it’s extremely bittersweet. i’ve cried most nights and the idea of not seeing most of my friends for months is pretty terrifying. it ebbs and flows but right now, as my train passes through grass valley, i feel okay. to everyone that makes the bay such a special place, i love u ❤️
some fun-poking at people who moralize about helmets and body armor(??) from bike snob nyc
i can now type an ISO8601 format date from memory, not sure if that’s good or bad
i really want to read this piece about passing the Darién Gap.
feeling especially phone-y today. i keep nervously opening random apps. :(
I have a Tidbyt and love it, but I want more functionality and customization out of it, so I’m thinking about building my own. I think I would follow in this person’s footsteps. I already have the LED matrix, and at school I’ll have access to workshops to build a nice casing for it. I really like Allen’s software architecture and UX design, and I think I’ll probably copy it pretty closely. I also imagine it’ll be way more useful in NYC than its been in the Bay, since I’ll have a class schedule and be using transit a lot more.
coming to realize one my biggest areas of growth in the past ~year had been learning to accept ideas from people who i find annoying or disagreeable. i find the tones of jane jacobs and david sarris difficult and at times irking, but i have still been able to take their ideas and use them to complicate my own. i’m pretty proud of this. i think it’s part of a larger pattern of more readily seeking out and embracing things that go against my own beliefs about the world.
it’s a real bummer that I can’t seem to figure out how to make dates always render correctly. i wish the
trying out having a small microblogging/thoughts section again. last time I had one, I felt like I overused it. hopefully this time it’ll be different.